Where and When


We meet every Sunday morning at the University School Theatre for Holy Communion and a shared meal. We set up for our service every Sunday starting at 9:00AM, and the service begins around 10:00AM (sometimes later, depending on when setup is done).

2703 W. Cucharras St., Colorado Springs, CO 80904

click on the map for directions


We celebrate the resurrection of Christ every Sunday with the liturgy of Holy Communion as found in the Book of Common Prayer. We worship with the whole family of God, infants, children, and adults, and our service is about one hour long.


Catechesis, also called Sunday school, takes place at several times and places. On Sunday mornings, after worship and a shared meal, we have a time of catechesis for adults and children. Our children are divided into a younger class (3 years old through 2nd grade) and an older class (3rd grade through 11 years old). Our young adults (12 -18) and adults meet together for teaching and discussion. We also meet in various fellowships for learning and discussion (see below).


Because we consider friendship to be central to the life of the Church, we sit down every Sunday after the liturgy for a shared meal. We also have men’s and women’s fellowships that meet throughout the week to learn, pray, and work together. We always invite our young adults to join the adults for fellowship, where they can learn what it means to be men and women of God.